Showing posts with label social media marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label social media marketing. Show all posts

Wednesday 5 September 2018


The toughest part of running any social media campaign? Coming up with new and interesting ideas that help entice your followers and customers. Well, with the rise of social media marketing in Dubai and elsewhere, brands are necessarily focusing on social media campaigns. They help the brand earn more value and also help in increasing the leads and sales.

But, what exactly is the secret to running a successful social media campaign? Without a further ado, read the following ideas and get an idea of how to spice up your social media campaigns –

1. Share content from your fans and followers

Don’t be afraid to let your fans and followers do the talking. Sharing user-generated content is an excellent way to give your fans and followers a fresh perspective on your brand.

Along with this, it also strengthens your relationship with your followers and gives them a sense of belongingness. It shows that the actions of your followers are not going unnoticed and instead are appreciated. Thus, Repin, Retweet, and Regram, and you are good to go!

2. Create a daily, weekly, or monthly series

Want to incorporate that branded hashtag in your posts in a fun way? Well, posting a series is the perfect pick to do so!

A monthly, weekly, or a daily series keeps you active on the social media platforms. Having said that, it also helps you build stronger bonds with your customers. Make sure to communicate with them and induce interactive series to engage them to the fullest. Make the most out of it by using the branded hashtags and reaching out to a wide group.

3. Add some humor to your content

No one is interested in viewing the same old, mundane content or visuals on your social media posts, right? Well, then time to amp up your game by adding two teaspoons of humor to your social media campaigns.

Adding a little humor helps in more engagement with your customer base. Thus, make sure to be creative with your content and don’t be afraid to go bold. Nonetheless, make sure that you are not hurting the sentiments of any individual or a community. It is a good practice to include more emojis and visual content.

4. Build hype with behind the scenes content

Your customers and viewers are always eager to know what goes on behind the curtain. Hence, it is a good idea to incorporate BTS content in your social media campaigns.

This is a clever strategy that helps build the hype and keeps up the excitement of your viewers. It also helps in building a trustworthy and credible image of the brand in the masses. Having said that, stronger relations are built and eventually there is a rise in the views and sales, adding big bucks to your company!

5. Team up with another brand

Co-marketing or social media partnership is a win-win situation. Notably, you get more exposure and a rise in the leads, and also you get to learn and explore new methods and techniques.

Having said that, it is a great idea to sync up your efforts. This can be done via webinars, eBooks, or promotions. Make sure to choose a company that is not your direct competitor and instead complements your brand. Also, be sure of the company’s goals and aims and you are good to go!

All things considered, you need a broad vision and an innovative approach to ace the game of social media campaigns. Following these simple tips will pave way for your brand’s success!


No matter what kind of business you run, maintaining a creative and enticing image on the social media platforms is a must. Having said that, you need to incorporate fun and fresh social media campaign ideas.

Friday 31 August 2018

4 Golden Rules To Excel In The Field Of Digital Marketing

Every brand aims at getting ahead of the competition through all possible ways. Following an analytical approach and stay in-line with the current market trends and technology of the digital marketing in Dubai and elsewhere gives an edge over your competitor. Having said that, digital marketing has been elegantly integrated with achieving winning results.

But, without following certain thumb rules of this field, you will not be able to ace the game. Thus, here is a rundown of 4 golden rules to excel in the field of digital marketing –

1.       Building a connection

Gaining a deeper understanding of your customer and being able to deliver exactly what they need, is something you need to put into practice. Well, if your audience resonates with your purpose, then my friend, you have built some strong connections!

In the light of making a connection, merely selling of the products and services is not something that should be aimed at. Understanding the needs and concerns of the customers, offering them personalized solutions, delivering relevant content, and aiming at customer satisfaction in all the verticals, will get you going!

Make the customer journey worth of their time and money, and you will be already ahead in the race!

2.       Viewer or Customer Engagement

In the view of connecting with the server, the engagement of your viewers is a major stepping stone to success. Notably, using social media techniques will do you good.

Well, the nature of both the digital and the people is social. Having said that, using more techniques to integrate people in your social values will help ensure higher engagement and lead to sales. It is a good practice to incorporate various social media competitions, forums, live sessions, and community management in your strategies. Other things to help increase engagement include – Digging into Google Analytics, talking with the customers directly, amongst others.

Simply knowing the keyword for the content will not suffice in a successful digital marketing program.

3.       Include visuals

Running on the similar lines of connection, if your content is not fun and easy to comprehend, your viewers will not be able to relate to it. Significantly, using visuals will help enhance the audience experience and increase in the leads and sales.

Whether it’s infographics or simply adding a compelling visual aid to a piece of content, you will be promising a great content. Make sure that it is aligned with the brand values and objectives. Additionally, the visuals should be easy for consumption and interesting and fun. To give an illustration, you can use platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or include augmented reality, tutorials, and videos, in your strategy!

Make your content powerful through visuals and see the balls flowing in your court!

4.       Analyze and innovate

The only constant in the world of digital marketing is a change. Thus, if your results show a little fluctuation, do not stress out. Instead, analyze what you are doing and what you are not.

All things considered, in this dynamic field of digital marketing, you always need to be on your toes when it comes to analyzing and optimizing. Notably, making corrections and inducing creativity in your strategies will take you to closer to the peak. All in all, it is a must to keep evolving with the digital customer.

Add some innovations to your techniques and see the brilliant results in no time!

Technology will continue to deliver new ways for brands and customers to help maximize their satisfaction. However, knowing some golden rules in your field of expertise will help you build a strong foundation.


Following these simple tips will help you strengthen your foundation. Nail the game of digital marketing by experimenting and working to make the most of it!