Wednesday 5 September 2018


The toughest part of running any social media campaign? Coming up with new and interesting ideas that help entice your followers and customers. Well, with the rise of social media marketing in Dubai and elsewhere, brands are necessarily focusing on social media campaigns. They help the brand earn more value and also help in increasing the leads and sales.

But, what exactly is the secret to running a successful social media campaign? Without a further ado, read the following ideas and get an idea of how to spice up your social media campaigns –

1. Share content from your fans and followers

Don’t be afraid to let your fans and followers do the talking. Sharing user-generated content is an excellent way to give your fans and followers a fresh perspective on your brand.

Along with this, it also strengthens your relationship with your followers and gives them a sense of belongingness. It shows that the actions of your followers are not going unnoticed and instead are appreciated. Thus, Repin, Retweet, and Regram, and you are good to go!

2. Create a daily, weekly, or monthly series

Want to incorporate that branded hashtag in your posts in a fun way? Well, posting a series is the perfect pick to do so!

A monthly, weekly, or a daily series keeps you active on the social media platforms. Having said that, it also helps you build stronger bonds with your customers. Make sure to communicate with them and induce interactive series to engage them to the fullest. Make the most out of it by using the branded hashtags and reaching out to a wide group.

3. Add some humor to your content

No one is interested in viewing the same old, mundane content or visuals on your social media posts, right? Well, then time to amp up your game by adding two teaspoons of humor to your social media campaigns.

Adding a little humor helps in more engagement with your customer base. Thus, make sure to be creative with your content and don’t be afraid to go bold. Nonetheless, make sure that you are not hurting the sentiments of any individual or a community. It is a good practice to include more emojis and visual content.

4. Build hype with behind the scenes content

Your customers and viewers are always eager to know what goes on behind the curtain. Hence, it is a good idea to incorporate BTS content in your social media campaigns.

This is a clever strategy that helps build the hype and keeps up the excitement of your viewers. It also helps in building a trustworthy and credible image of the brand in the masses. Having said that, stronger relations are built and eventually there is a rise in the views and sales, adding big bucks to your company!

5. Team up with another brand

Co-marketing or social media partnership is a win-win situation. Notably, you get more exposure and a rise in the leads, and also you get to learn and explore new methods and techniques.

Having said that, it is a great idea to sync up your efforts. This can be done via webinars, eBooks, or promotions. Make sure to choose a company that is not your direct competitor and instead complements your brand. Also, be sure of the company’s goals and aims and you are good to go!

All things considered, you need a broad vision and an innovative approach to ace the game of social media campaigns. Following these simple tips will pave way for your brand’s success!


No matter what kind of business you run, maintaining a creative and enticing image on the social media platforms is a must. Having said that, you need to incorporate fun and fresh social media campaign ideas.

Friday 31 August 2018

4 Golden Rules To Excel In The Field Of Digital Marketing

Every brand aims at getting ahead of the competition through all possible ways. Following an analytical approach and stay in-line with the current market trends and technology of the digital marketing in Dubai and elsewhere gives an edge over your competitor. Having said that, digital marketing has been elegantly integrated with achieving winning results.

But, without following certain thumb rules of this field, you will not be able to ace the game. Thus, here is a rundown of 4 golden rules to excel in the field of digital marketing –

1.       Building a connection

Gaining a deeper understanding of your customer and being able to deliver exactly what they need, is something you need to put into practice. Well, if your audience resonates with your purpose, then my friend, you have built some strong connections!

In the light of making a connection, merely selling of the products and services is not something that should be aimed at. Understanding the needs and concerns of the customers, offering them personalized solutions, delivering relevant content, and aiming at customer satisfaction in all the verticals, will get you going!

Make the customer journey worth of their time and money, and you will be already ahead in the race!

2.       Viewer or Customer Engagement

In the view of connecting with the server, the engagement of your viewers is a major stepping stone to success. Notably, using social media techniques will do you good.

Well, the nature of both the digital and the people is social. Having said that, using more techniques to integrate people in your social values will help ensure higher engagement and lead to sales. It is a good practice to incorporate various social media competitions, forums, live sessions, and community management in your strategies. Other things to help increase engagement include – Digging into Google Analytics, talking with the customers directly, amongst others.

Simply knowing the keyword for the content will not suffice in a successful digital marketing program.

3.       Include visuals

Running on the similar lines of connection, if your content is not fun and easy to comprehend, your viewers will not be able to relate to it. Significantly, using visuals will help enhance the audience experience and increase in the leads and sales.

Whether it’s infographics or simply adding a compelling visual aid to a piece of content, you will be promising a great content. Make sure that it is aligned with the brand values and objectives. Additionally, the visuals should be easy for consumption and interesting and fun. To give an illustration, you can use platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or include augmented reality, tutorials, and videos, in your strategy!

Make your content powerful through visuals and see the balls flowing in your court!

4.       Analyze and innovate

The only constant in the world of digital marketing is a change. Thus, if your results show a little fluctuation, do not stress out. Instead, analyze what you are doing and what you are not.

All things considered, in this dynamic field of digital marketing, you always need to be on your toes when it comes to analyzing and optimizing. Notably, making corrections and inducing creativity in your strategies will take you to closer to the peak. All in all, it is a must to keep evolving with the digital customer.

Add some innovations to your techniques and see the brilliant results in no time!

Technology will continue to deliver new ways for brands and customers to help maximize their satisfaction. However, knowing some golden rules in your field of expertise will help you build a strong foundation.


Following these simple tips will help you strengthen your foundation. Nail the game of digital marketing by experimenting and working to make the most of it!

Sunday 19 August 2018

4 Reasons Why Startups Need To Hire A Digital Marketing Agency

With everything online these days, can your startup afford to not be on the social media? Sure, every startup has this thought and are thus striving to make it possible. Thus, have no worries as you are not sailing alone in this rocky boat!

Let not your competitors climb further away from you in their digital marketing efforts. Considering all things, agencies can be a great way to help build your company’s online profile. A digital marketing agency in Dubai and elsewhere aid you in bringing the big guns by aligning to your startup’s aims and objectives.

So, here are the 4 reasons why your startup needs to hire a digital marketing agency –

1.       You cannot manage your digital presence all by yourself

Your customer is likely googling and intending on increasing your sales, right? Thus, in short, your startup needs a strong online profile to benefit and lead to more sales.

Digital presence is a tricky thing and it is understood that you cannot do it all by yourself. Unless you have a lot of time to create content, manage your website or social media, you’re not going to get much value out of it. The digital marketing space is massive and without in-depth knowledge of it, you'll end up doing your company more harm than good in the online world. Hence, a digital marketing agency is a must-have for your startup!

2.       When you want to benefit from best practices

You might be an expert in your industry but might have the perfect knowledge about building a digital presence. Think no further, because hiring a digital marketing agency will help you benefit from their skills, experience, and best practices.

Digital marketing agencies utilize the most modern marketing techniques and help you build your online presence. They put together a digital strategy and an online roadmap for your brand for the next few months or years. Having said that, you can benefit from the internal knowledge of the agency without having to devote a lot of budget to the ongoing execution.

3.       You can focus on your business

You want to retain the core of your business while you build a strong presence for yourself, right? Well, teaming with a digital marketing agency will aid you in stepping on these two stones at the same time.

Outsourcing your marketing efforts allows you to focus on growing your business. The operations flow smoother and more efficiently when you are focusing on the whole and sole of your business. Whereas, on the other hand, the agency takes care of managing your business online.

4.       You can scale up quickly

Want to ensure that you get the outcomes you paid for? Well, digital marketing agencies help you in guaranteeing the returns on your investment and help in expanding your business.

When you are hiring an agency, it promises you the smart and expert use of your funds. They make decisions best for your company and invest their energy in getting leads and sales for your brand. All in all, you earn big bucks and save your time and money by hiring an agency.

Thus, these reasons will help you understand the pivotal role that an agency plays for a startup.


Need someone devoted to your brand’s online presence resulting in better results? Well, without a further ado, you need to hire a credible digital marketing agency!

Tuesday 10 July 2018

3 Types of Brand Videos You Need to Aim For

Sending out paper leaflets or newspaper ads is a passé. Business video content is the newbie which is thriving ever than before and taking over all the social platforms. It is gaining momentum as it helps bring the company mission, aim, objectives, and products and services to life. 

Brand videos are something which your audience can immediately relate to and help establish your company as a champion.  

Here is a quick list of brand videos which Digital Marketing Companies can incorporate in their marketing strategies to yield the best results –  

Explainer Videos:
Do people feel that it is difficult to understand your product or service, thus affecting your sales? Well, what you can do is compile an “explainer video” and break down the topic or the problem for easier comprehension.  

Digital Agency in Dubai and elsewhere, put it in a story format to make it more interesting and engaging. These can include helpful tips, running the audience through some specific processes or solving their problems. One of the most important benefits of these kinds of videos is that they do not promote your service or product. Instead, they help solve some issue and foster a personal relationship with the audience or the customers.  

Event Videos:
Want to convey a depth information about your company, product, culture, or aims and objectives? This just might be the thing for you. Event videos refer to posting the fun videos of the events or the special occasions that you celebrated in the past. These videos can help the viewers see the “behind the curtain” scenes, which they otherwise cannot. 

Many social media platforms also allow you to post “live videos” of your events which keep your viewers hooked to their laptop or phone screens. This is an effective way to keep your audience involved and increase your followers or the customer base. 

‘How to’ videos or Demo videos:
Want to endorse your products to the masses in an exciting way? These videos help you highlight the same and also help the audience to identify with your product in a better manner. Demo videos or ‘how to’ videos are basically nothing but giving a brief demonstrator of how to use your products or services virtually. You can make use of such videos to make your products come into the limelight and convert your sales. You can also include the call to action in such videos to extend some extra help to your viewers. 

These are the basics or the must-haves video marketing strategies you should be incorporating. 

Brand video content is booming every single day and assists the projected growth. What better and fun way to marketing your products and services than this?  

Monday 5 March 2018

Social Media Trends That Will Influence 2018

How are you socializing this year? Do you have any new plans to reach more of your target audience with enhanced peculiarity? If you haven't done yet, then do not delay because when a business underappreciates the progress of technology, then it is likely to rigmarole among the same targets without reaching the new ones. Another reason is that social media platforms change slightly but frequently by rolling out updates regularly.

Experts believe that this year will witness a handful of highly essential trends unfolding over social networks. Let's take a look at them:

·         Augmented Reality on Board- When Google introduced Google Glass to streamline augmented reality (AR) to modify the way people interact, it failed to gain popularity. But, today's marketing strategies of giants like Snap, Google and Facebook are implementing AR to attain more significant technological sophistication. If AR gets word broad acceptance, then it will make social media one of the favorite applications of technology by bringing people from vast distances together and providing them with entirely new UI for their interactions.

·         Live Streaming Will Continue to Lead- Approx 80 percent of consumers preferred watching live videos rather than taking the linguistic road. The year 2017 exploded social media platforms with live video streaming feature, and it was accepted by the users with fully open arms. Experts are predicting that the year 2018 will keep the significant impact of the live video feature on consumers. Brands and consumers have very well settled into the matrix of this quick, informative entertainment segment.

·         Privacy and Open Source Elements Will Hype- No matter how open you want to stay on Facebook, Twitter and other platforms, you always expect that no interrupting apps are selling your private information to advertisers. Facebook and Twitter have been continually creating awareness about the privacy rights of users to them. However, other apps are still at stake. The year 2018 will grasp numerous privacy storing apps that can offer users with open-source APIs to assure users and encourage them to use their respective apps.

·         Gamification Will Stay Popular- Though social media apps aim at connecting people worldwide, they have also achieved success in keeping game lovers at bliss. Companies have been generating significant revenue by leveraging immersive gaming experience to its users, and in the current year as well there should not be any fall in this sector.

A company which keeps a 360-degree view of the processes hopping around tends to attain success and create higher competitive levels. Digital Media Sapiens is a digital marketing firm in Dubai which has enhanced the social presence of many of its customers with its aim targeting approaches. If you want to reshape the online presence of your business, then connect with the experts of Digital Media Sapiens.

Thursday 4 January 2018

Latest Trends in Social Media Marketing

It has been more than a decade with social media networks and entrepreneurs are striving hard to take utmost advantage of these platforms while it's in the spotlight. A few may assume it just as a buzzword, however for majority firms these networks have uplifted their revenue graph. Imagine a job where spending a few working hours on social media and interacting with people online is leading to practical benefits to the business and as well as to your professional upfront. As per stats 90% stakeholders believe that marketing with social media has influenced customer reach and generated immense exposure to the business. Businesses have become extremely subtle in maintaining customer relations, and anyone who's not on the track of marketing on social media is squandering time and money. The following are top four marketing trends:

·         Live streaming- Earlier viewing recorded videos on YouTube became a furor and it spread like wildfire. The latest broadcasting feature is more poise and instant which allows you to display live footage. Meerkat released the first instance of the live streaming following which Twitter released Periscope. Presently, Facebook is trending enormously with its live streaming video feature.

·         Chatbots- As a part of real-time engagement strategy chatbots have been designed to simulate an intelligent conversation with users or customers. It implies the protocols of artificial intelligence by automating tasks and retrieving data. It offers a great experience to users by providing instant answers to their queries. Chatbots have revolutionized the customer support services. Facebook messenger accelerates customer information through its chatbot named ‘Chotu.'

·         Expiring content- With the launch of engaging content on social media, platforms users have become more enthusiastic. Old and seen content no more persuades users as they keep themselves up to date with latest posts. It arises an urgency to create new marketing campaigns in set timelines. Snapchat has built a feature of making content expire to push new items by eliminating the old ones. Snapchat stories last only for 24 hours while its 10-second videos vanish after one view.

·         Paid and personalized content- If you want to enhance your reach to your target users then apply for paid tactics on social media platforms. But, what's new in this? The answer is personalized and useful posts. Social media platforms have started working on modified algorithms which tend to grasp user's attention more efficiently. And hence, customized content is in the picture. In a stack of tweets or Facebook posts, you will see only that material which is most relevant to your interest.

Social Media Marketing in San Antonio

If you want to leverage benefits for your business by implementing latest social media marketing techniques, then connect none less than the experts at Digital Marketing Sapiens. They are well versed in marketing tactics on social media in San Antonio.

Tuesday 19 December 2017

Five Ways to Beat Your Competitors on Social Media

Social media is a fun-filled, informative arena for its users. It has provided businesses a digital platform to grow their umbrella by engaging users by implementing unique campaigning strategies. It is important to quote that the same space is given to the competitors of a company to grow. Whoever's approach can engage a maximum number of users; their business is on the road of popularity and expansion. Even if you own quality services or products in comparison to your competitor, however, you have less exposure, your competitor wins the race.

The following are five social media marketing strategies to showcase your worth against your competitors on social media platforms:

1.     Regular updates- Regular here may mean every day or multiple times in a day. Keep posting new informative materials on your social media accounts on a regular basis to seek ‘target' audience's attention. It is essential to engage the category of people for whom your product or service is dedicated to. Keep checking the accounts of your competitors for latest updates and sync your posts in better accordance with those. Innovate your posts on different topics related to your business which prove your worth better than your competitors.

2.     Prompt response- These days majority of online businesses have a dedicated social media marketing team which attends customer's comments on an immediate basis. If you are leading a company, then you need to make sure that your social media account is interactive with the audience in terms of positive thoughts and customer care values. This will make your social presence polite and responsive.

3.     Analyze your competitor's profiles- No, this won't be wrong to do. Do a thorough walkthrough of your competitor's social media profiles to analyze their posts, comments, number of likes & comments, what's the engaging factor, etc. Don't copy their posts, however, try building effective posts than theirs.

4.     Create a buzz- Let your social media account come up with some genuine hot and sizzling news. This news will create word of mouth amongst your audience, and against your contenders, your popularity will be benefitted. It is not advisable to post wrong information or information which can hurt religious sentiments of a particular group of people to create buzz and appear in the limelight.

5.     Stay omnipresent- This is a crucial factor for engagement through online platforms. Make your business available on all social media platforms to grab the attention of the maximum number of people. Recurrently keep checking your competitor's behavior on all media accounts and prove your tendency with better content.

Social Media Agency in Dubai

If you are looking for social mediamarketing in Dubai, then consider none less than the experts of social media- Digital Media Sapiens. They are well versed in social media campaigning to raise one's popularity against the competitors.